Anne Le Gal
About AnneA therapist with nearly 20 years experience of helping people feeling better using Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Feldenkrais
Anne was a tutor and a teacher for the Scottish Massage Schools for a number of years. She also worked in the NHS as a Physiotherapist for several years before setting up in private practice in 2011. She uses a variety of techniques, learned and developed through the years to resolve pain issues and movement restriction problems. Passionate about her work, her knowledge and skills combine efficient techniques with a gentle touch. Her training in the Feldenkrais method, has enabled her to refine and expand her ability to do body work using a fully person-centred approach, empowering you to reconnect with your body in a positive way, learning to unlock your potential for greater ease of movement. |
What is unique about her approach? |
Her ultimate goal is for each client to leave their treatment session feeling it has been helpful and meaningful, that they understand better what is going on, and have been given long term management solutions to prevent the problem from coming back or have a better quality of life in the case of chronic conditions. |
Continuous Professional Development |
Anne considers herself to be a life long learner. Here are some of the international experts in the field of body work she trained with:
James Waslaski (USA) - Integrated Manual Therapy and Orthopaedic Massage, on recent scientific knowledge and their application to body work. Brian Mulligan (New Zealand) - Internationally known for his development of techniques to move joints of the body, including the spine, resolving pain and freeing movements. Tom Myers (USA) - Fascia work using Structural Integration, a technique he developed now studied and used by many experts worldwide. John Sharkey (Ireland) - Neuromuscular Therapy for Sports Injuries. Victoria Mulhearn (Scotland) - Traditional Reiki Master, and Spiritual teacher. Gayle MacDonald (USA) - Massage for people with Cancer. |